En Passant Masthead

Paul Cantalupo to fill-in vacant Board seat

By The_Knight_Manager | August 18, 2020

Congratulations to Paul Cantalupo, who was voted in on Tuesday to serve in one of the vacant Board seats until the annual election.

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Melih Özbek resigns from the Board of Directors

By The_Knight_Manager | August 10, 2020

Due to other pressing priorities, Melih Özbek could no longer contribute to the Board and has resigned.  Melih is still contributing as Special Events Manager, reporting to the CEO.

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Shane Barrett resigns from the Board of Directors

By The_Knight_Manager | August 10, 2020

Due to a busy work schedule, Shane could no longer contribute to the Board and has resigned. This leaves vacant the Secretary role, which I am performing (for the time being) as Acting Secretary.

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COVID-19 Update

By The_Knight_Manager | March 30, 2020

Dear Friends: Due to the extended business closure mandate and stay-at-home orders from local authorities, we are cancelling the April Blitz (scheduled for April 15), postponing the Golden Triangle Open (scheduled for April 18th), and postponing the April Lecture (scheduled for April 29). The Board will meet in early May to reassess any new information […]

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COVID-19 Update

By The_Knight_Manager | March 16, 2020

Dear Friends: Due to the shutdown of our building, the Club will be closed until further notice. There has been no indication that anyone associated with the Club, who attended Club events, or entered the building has been infected with or exposed to COVID-19, however there are confirmed cases in Allegheny County. Unfortunately, this also […]

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COVID-19 Update

By The_Knight_Manager | March 13, 2020

Dear Friends of the Pittsburgh Chess Club: The PCC Board of Directors are tracking the COVID-19 pandemic very closely. Please be assured that the health, safety, and well-being of our members, volunteers, and visitors is always our top priority.After much consideration, we have decided to maintain our regular club hours and to proceed with previously […]

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By The_Knight_Manager | March 13, 2020

The PCC Board of Directors are tracking the COVID-19 pandemic very closely. Please visit our official page for club related updates.

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By The_Knight_Manager | February 19, 2020

Please find a link below to proposed amendments to the Pittsburgh Chess Club By-Laws. The Board of Directors intends to vote on these amendments at the next Board meeting, March 11, 2020 at 7 p.m.. Any Club member shall have the right to attend such a meeting and to speak for or against any of […]

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January Board Meeting Rescheduled

By The_Knight_Manager | January 5, 2020

The January Board Meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, January 15th, 7pm.

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New PCC Board member

By The_Knight_Manager | December 11, 2019

Congratulations to new PCC Board member Sam Shoykhet!

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